Easter Cupcakes - New! St George & Sutherland Community College

Easter Cupcakes - New!

Do you want to make Easter dessert this year? Do you want to make gifts for family and friends? Learn to decorate lovely Easter cupcakes in a fun, non-judgemental environment.

Come and join Tania for a day to remember in our college kitchen. You will learn how to make buttercream, and to decorate cupcakes in style. We will use different piping tips, fondant discs and sprinkles that will make you look like a pro. You will learn tips and tricks, how to store your creations and best practices. Don’t wait! Sign up today.

Course Outline:

  • Make Buttercream
  • Pipe Buttercream in different styles
  • Create fondant discs
  • Placement of sprinkles

Learning Outcomes:

  • Decorate amazing cupcakes in a safe and fun environment, where no question is silly.

What to bring:

  • 12 un-iced cupcakes
  • small box of fondant
  • 5cm circle cutter
  • Easter themed cookie cutters
  • 250g butter
  • 450g icing sugar
  • vanilla essence
  • pastel colours food colouring – gel
  • rolling pin
  • baking paper
  • sprinkles

About the tutor:

'Tania is the owner of Penny Lane Bakery, a local Shire business who specialises in delicious and beautiful cakes, cookies and other treats. Tania started baking as a teenager, decades ago, tempering chocolate and making Easter eggs, then moved on to small treats and cakes.

With a Brazilian background, Tania focuses on delicious flavours and perfect looking treats. Her motto is: practice, practice, practice. When things go wrong, take a deep breath, dance a little and never give up!'

Other Information:

  • To ensure resources are ready for you at the start of your course, we ask you ideally enrol at least one week before the course commences.
  • All courses need a minimum number of students to run ("we try our hardest to get those") . If your course does not have enough students it will be cancelled prior to the commencement and you will be informed.
$79 Limited inc GST
Easter Cupcakes - New!

<p><p>Do you want to make Easter dessert this year? Do you want to make gifts for family and friends? Learn to decorate lovely Easter cupcakes in a fun, non-judgemental environment.</p> </p>{image


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