English Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
From 1st January 2015, all students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and statements of attainment must have a Government-issued USI in order to receive their qualification or statement of attainment. This means you must have a USI before you commence your course with us.
How do I get a USI?
It’s really quite easy! Just go to the USI Website and you can easily register. It also has lots of useful information about the USI and how it works
Alternatively, just contact us here at SGSCC English and we will be more than happy to obtain a USI on your behalf, with your consent.
What are the benefits of a USI?
Apart from the obvious benefit of being able to receive your certification, the USI will allow you access to an online portal where you will have a history of all training you completed from 2015 onwards. This is a very useful tool for you to provide information to future or current employers and other organisations that require it.