Disability Corporate Support & Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Support & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Is your workplace looking to make a difference to the lives of people with a disability?
Corporate Support and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about a commitment to the communities in which an organisation operates. CSR is an important contributor to long-term business success, and should be viewed in a strategic business sense rather than simply for its “feel-good” factor.
Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Enhanced corporate or brand reputation, image and value
- Increased desire for a product or service associated with a cause
- Increased employee loyalty, commitment and morale
- Improved customer loyalty
- Improved culture within the organisation
While corporate philanthropy (generosity motivated purely to make the company look good or to create the right spin) for its own sake has its place, a well-defined and effective CSR campaign identifies and addresses issues that impact on both the company and the wider community.
CSR has the power to improve staff morale, as well as improve customer loyalty and enhance the reputation of an organisation.
There are many ways your business can practice effective CSR in partnership with SGSCC disAbility. We welcome discussing your ideas but they may include:
- Providing work experience for the people we support
- Giving your employees time off to volunteer their time or expertise either singly or as a team
- Participate in and/or organise fundraising activities
- Donate money or goods
- Becoming an Ambassador for SGSCC disAbility
- Sponsor events and/or activities
- Payroll giving partnerships (where employees can nominate to donate each pay with the benefit of an immediate tax deduction)
- Linking your brand or product with our college, thus instilling a strong message of corporate responsibility in your customer’s minds
For more information or to discuss how you or your business can get involved please contact SGSCC disAbility on 02 8543 7429 or email disability@sgscc.edu.au