Disability Gifts in Memory or Celebration
Gifts in Memory or Celebration
Why not make a tribute in memory of a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by making a gift in lieu?
You could also set up a memorial or fundraising page on Social Media with a goal of your choice and personalise it. We can assist in helping setting this up.
Remember someone you care about with a gift in memory or celebration.
A Gift in Memory
Making or collecting a donation in memory of a loved one is a loving and lasting tribute to that special person. This could be by requesting a donation to SGSCC in lieu of flowers or wanting to make that special gesture to mark someone’s life even some time after they are no longer with us.
By making a gift to SGSCC in memory of a family member, friend or colleague, you can honour their life and help support people with a disability to live the life they choose.
You may choose to make a gift when a person dies, on the anniversary of their death or the anniversary of a day that was special to them.
Donations in lieu of flowers – if you would like to suggest donations be given to SGSCC in lieu of flowers for a funeral, we can provide gift envelopes. These envelopes can also be used for organisations or workplaces wishing to express condolences for a colleague.
SGSCC can send a card, on request, to the family of the person you make the gift in memory of to advise of your gesture. The dollar amount of the gift will not be included.
The name of the person for whom a gift in memory has been received can also appear on SGSCC web pages and Newsletter if you would like.
A tax deductible receipt will be sent to all donors, and their names (not amounts) will be forwarded to the family or next of kin.
To request gift in memory envelopes or for information on making an in memory gift please contact SGSCC disAbility on 02 8543 7429 or email disability@sgscc.edu.au
A Gift in Celebration
Anything that is traditionally celebrated with the giving of gifts can become a double celebration, when you choose to donate to SGSCC in lieu of giving or receiving gifts.
What a wonderful way to make a special occasion even more meaningful by benefitting the lives of people with a disability and helping them reach their goals and live a life they choose.
When sending an invitation for a birthday party, engagement party, wedding, you might like to encourage friends to donate to SGSCC.
We can design personalised collection envelopes for your occasion, and provide tax-deductible receipts for your donors.
Gifts in lieu make meaningful presents are simple to do and suit all budgets.
Instead of yet another needless gift, send your loved one a really meaningful gift.
A tax deductible receipt will be sent to all donors, and their names (not amounts) will be forwarded to the person celebrating their special occasion.
To request donation envelopes or for information on making a gift in celebration please contact SGSCC disAbility on 02 8543 7429 or email disability@sgscc.edu.au