Learn Italian, Level 2 - Part 2 St George & Sutherland Community College

Learn Italian, Level 2 - Part 2

This Learn Italian, Level 2 – Part 2 Class is a continuation of learning from Italian Level 2 – Part 1. In this level students will continue to consolidate and extend their knowledge and understanding of Italian grammar and culture; learn to make more detailed conversation and compose phrases and dialogues of their own.

Course Outline:

  • Name the parts of the human body.
  • People appearance.
  • Use of often, seldom and the double negatives.
  • Conjugation and use of the irregular verb “piacere” (to like).

Learning Outcomes:

  • By the end of this level students should be able to:
  • Describe people.
  • Say how often they do something.
  • Express likings and dislikes.
  • Visit the chemist’s and explain their problems.


  • You need to have completed Italian Level 2 – Part 1 to enrol in this class or demonstrate your relevant ‘level’ through a conversation with the tutor prior to enrolling.


Please bring a pen and paper.

About the tutor:

Arsenia Neirotti was born in Torino, Italy, where she also completed her studies. She has a great passion for the Italian language which she enjoys sharing with her students. Her love for her language prompted her to specialise in Adult Education and has been teaching at the SGSCC for the past 28 years. Her main interests are Italian Renaissance Art and Opera which she has enthusiastically presented in her Italian Culture workshops. Arsenia firmly believes that learning should be fun at any age so join her and have a great time.

Other Information:

  • To ensure resources are ready for you at the start of your course, we ask you ideally enrol at least one week before the course commences.
  • All courses need a minimum number of students to run ("we try our hardest to get those") . If your course does not have enough students it will be cancelled prior to the commencement and you will be informed.
$275 Limited inc GST / $261.30
Learn Italian, Level 2 - Part 2

<p><p>This Learn Italian, Level 2 – Part 2 Class is a continuation of learning from Italian Level 2 – Part 1. In this level students will continue to consolidate and extend their knowledge and


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.