Mindful May Circles - New! St George & Sutherland Community College

Mindful May Circles - New!

This short course has been designed to take participants further along (or for some introduce to) their journey of learning how to practice day to day easy Mindfulness & Meditation, to help “centre” and “de-stress” and also connect creatively with their authentic inner-self in the process. Providing special time for YOU the participant. Research shows that embarking on a Mindfulness life-path and taking the next steps to work on learning how to ‘switch off, unwind, restore and rebalance’ through some restorative creative outlets as part of a regular selfcare routine and practice is paramount and beneficial to overall health and wellbeing.

In recent challenging times in which we find ourselves living in, we are seeing a need to return to more community focused gatherings as a means of supporting and uplifting on a local and global scale. Stress levels, isolation, financial loss, social unrest and decreasing mental health and wellbeing are just some of the
problems being faced by so many.

Course Outline:

This 3 part program seeks to promote The Circle concept as a safe, inclusive and supportive, non-judgemental space that facilitates nurturing and wellbeing for participants to come together to experience, learn and practice a range of Mindful, creative strategies and tools to use in their daily life.

Building on the learnings participants may already have from previous experience, however, it does not require any prerequisites and welcomes new beginners, whilst providing even more practical hands-on learning activities and practices.

Holistic Creative Arts Therapies & Practices:
Integrated multimodal creative arts (“expressive”)* therapy approaches have been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, improve over all health and wellbeing, self-awareness and confidence, problem solving ability and fostering a positive outlook on life.
*combining a range of expressive creative-arts therapies such as; music/song, art, movement, narrative (story telling) & creative journalling.

Learning Outcomes:

Each circle group is unique and will have different dynamics and insights to takeaway. It is an experiential thing and there are so many benefits to enjoy:

  • Coming together in a shared safe space for a regular period of time to share, learn and grow-gather knowledge, confidence and belief in self and become the best possible version of you!
  • Opportunity for some real time for you and to allow you time to unplug, unwind and enjoy socialising as part of your self-care routine, focusing on your health and wellbeing and hopefully feel more contented and happier.
  • Each session will be structured and designed to explore a range of different Mindfulness/ Meditation practices and self-care such as:
  • the difference between mindfulness and meditation, the cycle of mindfulness, meditating on the run- practice quick and easy techniques for everyday use.
  • Learn simple relaxation breathing and guided visualisations
  • Focus is on the process of mindful creative expression, and may include; drawing, doodling, painting and reflecting/creative journalling, body movement.

Mel (facilitator) seeks to promote more opportunity for free-flow of expression and the ability to connect with your inner-self, using simple mindfulness relaxation techniques and easy self-care tips and to make it colourful and creative as you explore your authentic inner-self in a series of art as therapy activities.
No prior knowledge or experience in mindfulness, meditation or creative arts is necessary.

What to bring:

Most of the materials & supporting information required will be supplied, however, you will be asked to bring along additional materials and will receive communication from your Tutor prior.
Participants are welcome to bring their own:

  • water and snack
  • Wear comfortable loose apparel (a layering piece if in an air conned room)
  • A4 Visual Diary for notes and activities.

All participants will be contacted by the Tutor prior to the workshop.

Art Supplies Discount:

As a bonus for learning Art with SGSCC, all enrolled students are entitled to a generous 10% discount off the purchase of art supplies when they shop in-store at Eckersley’s Art & Craft, Taren Point!
View Eckersley's Website for product ideas.

About the Tutor:

Facilitated by an Artist/Art Therapy and Holistic Creative Arts Therapist.

Melissa (Mel) Martin is a local contemporary Artist, Holistic Creative Art Therapist and a Mindfulness practitioner, who is passionate about enabling one’s inner ability to create, through artistic expression, seeking to inspire and promote wellbeing through an artistic journey of healing and personal growth.

Mel facilitates local art classes/workshops in the community and privately, where she explores with small groups their true selves and the potential they have and the fear that is holding them back. By engaging in this therapy, Mel is able to reach into the lives of the people she can help more directly or build a personalised service for an individual or group looking for opportunities to learn how to relax, reduce stress, improve confidence, empathy/compassion, problem solving skills and workflow.
Mel works with kids, adolescents

Mel’s Art of Zen is Mel’s business entity located here in the Shire.

Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy (HICAT) Diploma,
Holistic Therapies College, QLD
Art Therapy Diploma, Health & Harmony College, QLD.
BSc (Psychology), UNSW.
Change Management Post Graduate Diploma, CSU.
HR Management Certificate,
Sydney University.
Member -International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)
Working With Children Check Approved.
Services NSW.

Other Information:

  • To ensure resources are ready for you at the start of your course, we ask you ideally enrol at least one week before the course commences.
  • All courses need a minimum number of students to run ("we try our hardest to get those") . If your course does not have enough students it will be cancelled before the commencement and you will be informed.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.