Organise Your Photos with Apple Photos St George & Sutherland Community College

Organise Your Photos with Apple Photos

Understand where your photos are now, highlight the different ways photos are entering your life and identify personal goals of how you want to consume your photos. Discover the built-in functions of the Photos App on your Mac and unleash its capacity to help you organise your photos. Clarify the difference between local storage, back up and iCloud as well as learning tips and feel confident that your photos are safe for years to come.

Learning Outcomes:

Learn how to use Apple Photo app to organise your digital photos, including:
1. Learn where your Photo Library is stored and how to relocate the photo library to an external hard drive if your laptop is out of storage space
2. Learn how to import and export photos from the Photos app, for use in photo projects such as photo books
3. Learn how to create and manage albums, smart albums and shared albums
4. Learn how to search for photos and videos in your Photo Library
5. Learn how to adjust the capture date of photos or videos
6. Adding information to photos such as tagging People, and adding descriptions
7. Identify and remove duplicates
8. Connecting your Photo Library to iCloud, to sync across your Apple devices, including looking at iCloud settings, storage, etc
9. Learn the difference between a sync and a backup: Learn the 3-2-1 international backup standard to ensure your Digital Photo Collection is backed up.

What to bring:

  • Mac laptop and charger
  • iPhone and charger

About the Tutors:

'The Filing Fairies is a partnership between friends Mara Morrison and Jo Myers, who met in 2007 working together in event management. It was there that they discovered their shared passion for order, lists and getting things done. 2023 marks 10 years since they started The Filing Fairies, where they work with clients across Australia to give them peace of mind by helping them to organise and backup their precious photos. Jo and Mara are both certified Photo Managers who specialise in digital photo organising and photo book design.'

Other Information:

  • To ensure resources are ready for you at the start of your course, we ask you ideally enrol at least one week before the course commences.
  • All courses need a minimum number of students to run ("we try our hardest to get those") . If your course does not have enough students it will be cancelled prior to the commencement and you will be informed.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.