Sign Language Level 1 - New! St George & Sutherland Community College

Sign Language Level 1 - New!

Sign Language Level 1 continues the unique and fun experience of learning how to communicate visually using Australian sign language, the native language of the Australian Deaf Community.

These courses are for people who:

  • Want to be introduced to Australian Sign Language and Deaf culture
  • Want a short course at a relaxed pace
  • Want to attend classes within their local area
  • Are interested in working with Deaf people

You will:

  • Develop practical Sign Language skills
  • Learn through fun and informal classes
  • Receive a good introduction before committing to accredited courses

Taught by Deaf teachers only. The students will:

  • Improve communication skills
  • Further develop visual-gestural communication strategies
  • Extend your ability to adapt signs for use in different contexts
  • Cover topics including occupations, suburbs, directions, families, time, appointments, countries, and many more.
  • Explain effective ways of communicating with Deaf people
  • Develop practical Sign Language skills
  • Learn through fun and informal classes
  • Receive a good introduction before committing to accredited courses

Course Outline:

By the end of Sign Language Level 1, students will be able to:

  • Talk in more detail about holidays, countries, the weather and the seasons
  • Talk about everyday life including work and family
  • Talk about hobbies, interests and other activities
  • Ask for and provide directions
  • Use non-manual features to express yourself
  • Use more advanced visual-gestural communication strategies

Course Outcome:

  • Sign Language Level 1 is the recommended next step for people who have completed Introduction to Sign Language and would like to continue their Sign Language users, e.g. in education, childcare, disability services, or as an Sign Language/English interpreter.
  • Following on from Introduction to Sign Language, Sign Language Level 1 provides a pathway into studying nationally-recognised accredited Sign Language courses, i.e. Certificate II, III, and IV in Auslan, the Diploma of Auslan, and the Diploma of Auslan/English interpreting.

Important Information:

  • Sign Language Level 1 is delivered face-to-face in a classroom environment
  • Minimum age for this course is 16 years


  • Must have completed Introduction to Sign Language

What to Bring:

  • Pen and paper, in case you wish to take additional notes.
  • This is a 8-week course.

About the tutor:

'My name is Belinda Doonan. I was told that it is possible that I was born with 25% hearing loss while my mother had German measles when she was pregnant. Then I was diagnosed with hearing loss at the age of 4.

I went to a deaf school from year 6 until high school. I learnt sign language and was able to communicate with other deaf students and friends. My husband is also deaf but he grew up as an oral which means learning to speak and lipread and he knows a little bit of Auslan.

Now, I have performed at Cherry Tree Childcare for the last 8 years, teaching kids basic Sign skills. Eventually will perform at other childcare centres. I love it! I am excited to teach you some basic Sign skills here, if you have any questions or are curious, please ask me at any time…….

Let’s start….'

Other Information:

  • To ensure resources are ready for you at the start of your course, we ask you ideally enrol at least one week before the course commences.
  • All courses need a minimum number of students to run ("we try our hardest to get those") . If your course does not have enough students it will be cancelled before the commencement and you will be informed.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.