Sketchbook Adventures - New! St George & Sutherland Community College

Sketchbook Adventures - New!

The Sketchbook Adventures course is a platform for recording a journey. You will creatively map out an adventure using your journey, imagination, dreams and perhaps nostalgia. You will learn how to use a sketchbook effectively on the go. There will be references to artists and examples of sketchbooks as well as demonstrations on how to collect, combine and use art media effectively.

You will build up a portable collection of tools you can take with you wherever you go. Your visual journey need not be taken anywhere exotic. Something as simple as a local walk can be expanded upon and developed into something rich and interesting. You may already have a collection of travel notes, drawings or photographs you wish to develop or you may like to explore ground for new adventures.

Course Outline:

Week 1 Taking a line for a walk…Visual Journey Mapping (Paul Klee)
Week 2 Mixed Media Mood Boards: Colour & Pattern (Frida Khalo)
Week 3 Objects in Focus: Tone and Form (Cezanne)
Week 4 En Plein Air: Outdoor landscapes (Georgia O’Keefe)
Week 5 A Sense of Place: Light and Scale (Rene Magritte)
Week 6 Recording People: Layers and Depth (Henry Moore)
Week 7 Perspective: Photography and Viewpoints (Escher)
Week 8 Parting Shots: Composition & Collage (David Hockney)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand and engage with practical sketch booking techniques including drawing, photography, and watercolour painting.
  • Explore collage and other mixed media techniques.
  • Experiment with different compositions and viewpoints
  • Develop a personal style
  • Appreciate sketchbooks as a platform for creative ventures.

What to bring:

  • Sketchbook A4 size recommended with good quality paper
  • Photographs, books, postcards, maps, or other images for inspiration
  • Pencils
  • Drawing pens
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Paint Brush

Art Supplies Discount:

As a bonus for learning Art with SGSCC, all enrolled students are entitled to a generous 10% discount off the purchase of art supplies when they shop in-store at Eckersley’s Art & Craft, Taren Point!
View Eckersley's Website for product ideas.

About the Tutor:

'Laura Kneebone has worked as a Fine Artist and Educator between Zimbabwe, England and Australia for over 25 years now. She is a graduate of the University of the Creative Arts (where she majored in printmaking) and the Institute of Education University of London.

Laura lives in the Royal National Park and draws her inspiration from the plethora of flora and fauna of her surroundings. To see her work, you may visit her in Studio 22 on the monthly Bundeena-Maianbar Art Trail, or at local art festivals, exhibitions and workshops in this thriving art community.'

Other Information:

  • To ensure resources are ready for you at the start of your course, we ask you ideally enrol at least one week before the course commences.
  • All courses need a minimum number of students to run ("we try our hardest to get those") . If your course does not have enough students it will be cancelled before the commencement and you will be informed.
$245 Limited inc GST / $232.80
Sketchbook Adventures - New!

<p><p>The Sketchbook Adventures course is a platform for recording a journey. You will creatively map out an adventure using your journey, imagination, dreams and perhaps nostalgia. You will learn


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.