Primary English Tutoring - St George & Sutherland Community College
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Primary English Tutoring

Primary English Tutoring

Our English classes typically cover grammar, spelling, punctuation, reading comprehension and vocabulary building. Our extensive writing programs cover all the genres of writing in line with the NSW Education Standards Authority whilst giving the students tools to improve their writing technique.

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Writing Persuasive Text - Stage 3 Master Class - Years 5 and 6

These practical master classes are designed to teach the student effective strategies and practical applications on how to communicate effectively using considered language to persuade audiences for an increasing range of purposes for Stage 3. Professional qualified and


Writing - Creative, Persuasive and Informative Years 2 - 6

This Writing program has been devised to cater to the educational needs of students who wish to become effective and confident communicators in the written word. Professional specialist teachers will help your child realise their full potential through formal instruction in small
