Handcraft Workshops - St George & Sutherland Community College
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Handcraft Workshops

Handcraft Workhops

Get creative and join SGSCC for our Handcraft Workshops. Create your very own piece of art no matter whether it’s for a special occasion or whether you just always wanted to make your very own jewellery, soap etc. Get crafty, use your creativity and learn new hands-on skills in a fun environment.

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Acrylic Paint Pouring - Ocean Scene

Undoubtedly, ocean scenes have been and remain very popular artworks. Studies have shown that people are unconsciously drawn to objects that resemble bodies of water, so it’s no surprise that ocean art has become so well-liked. At first glance, these ocean scenes seem to be


This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Acrylic Paint Pouring for Beginners

This fascinating and popular painting technique known as acrylic paint pouring, is also known as fluid art and it’s a highly addictive method used to produce abstract art. Learn how to mix your paints with a key ingredient to produce the right consistency for pouring and to


This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Textured Art for Beginners - New!

Have you ever scrolled through social media and marvelled at textured artworks, wishing you could create something similar? Well, now’s your chance! In this beginner-friendly class, you will dive into the exciting world of textured art. Choose from a variety of fun themes like


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Candle Making Workshop - New!

Who doesn’t love candles! Each guest will receive their very own individual candle making kit to use and take home. This streamlines the process in learning to make your soy candles by giving you all the components you need and nothing you don’t! We guide you step-by-step to help


This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Alcohol Ink on Art Board - New!

Flow Ink Art (also known as alcohol ink art)! This is the next workshop following our beginners class you have already completed with me. Come to continue & explore your Alcohol Ink learning journey & the mesmerising and therapeutic nature of this ink. Learn how this ink acts &


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Alcohol Ink on Ceramics

This is the ultimate in FREESTYLE ART, you don’t need to be artist or have any experience to create your own unique flow ink art masterpieces. Come and explore the mesmerising and therapeutic nature of flow ink. You will be provided with 2 pots & 2 mugs to create your


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Patchwork Quilting for Beginners

Ever wanted to try your hand at the traditional textile craft of patchwork quilting? Now may be the time! We will start by playing with simple geometric forms, colour and pattern to create an effective but simple design for your quilt top. Your experienced teacher will guide you


This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.