Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Workplace Health & Safety Policy
SGSCC is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the benefit of all clients, visitors and employees.
SGSCC monitors and maintains the appropriate Workplace Health and Safety levels and obligations under the Federal and State rules and regulations of the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
If students, employees or visitors have any concerns or notice a condition or practice that seems unsafe, it is important that it is brought to the attention of SGSCC management.
SGSCC’s health and safety objectives are:
- To provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees, students, contractors and other persons.
- To provide safe and healthy methods of work.
- To provide programs of health and safety activities and procedures which are continually updated and effectively carried out.
- To identify and eliminate or reduce hazards and risks to health and safety.
- To continually monitor and improve work health and safety.
- To provide appropriate education and training resources.
- To comply with all relevant laws, rules, standards and codes of practice.
All students, employees or visitors are required to be safety aware and report all hazards and incidents, including an identified hazard or an injury that has occurred on SGSCC premises or whilst on work placement.
These should be either reported to your Trainer or to the administration office at SGSCC by calling 02 9528 3344 or via email at
In the event that a student, employee or visitor is injured or a WHS incident occurs within SGSCC or on a work placement a WHS Incident Report will need to be completed. Staff will assist you with this.
The form collects data on the incident, personal details of the person who was injured and further action to be undertaken.
The College reviews and logs all incidents as part of our risk, compliance and continuous improvement processes.
- Staff log the “WHS Incident Report” into the “WHS Register” and file.
- All incidences to be discussed at the next quality, risk and/or compliance meeting.
- In the case of minor incidences and “Opportunity for Improvement” form should be completed.
First Aid and emergencies First Aid Kits are located in our campuses. Ask at the Customer Service or administration offices if you need first aid.
Some SGSCC staff have first aid training.
If assistance is required for an emergency situation outside office hours students, visitors or employees should ring 000 (zero, zero, zero) and request police, fire or ambulance.