Subjects - St George & Sutherland Community College
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Focused on providing quality Vocational Training, disAbility Services, Tutoring, Leisure and English Classes in the Sutherland Shire and St George Region

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Fit & Healthy Men

OK fellas, this one is just for you. It is time to get that body into shape so you can enjoy many years of healthy living or active retirement. Remember, it’s never too late to stay active and healthy and start a healthy lifestyle. Decrease your risk of heart disease and start

$160 Limited inc GST / $152
Fit & Healthy Men

<p><p>OK fellas, this one is just for you. It is time to get that body into shape so you can enjoy many years of healthy living or active retirement. Remember, it’s never too late to stay active and


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Dance Yourself Fit for Seniors

Keep active, stay fit, strengthen muscles and build strong bones with this fun dance fitness class. Have fun with low impact moves that are gentle on the bones. You will be dancing, laughing and clapping to great music with simple easy moves. This class is for beginners. What to

$160 Limited inc GST / $152
Dance Yourself Fit for Seniors

<p><p>Keep active, stay fit, strengthen muscles and build strong bones with this fun dance fitness class. Have fun with low impact moves that are gentle on the bones. You will be dancing, laughing

$160 Limited inc GST / $152
Dance Yourself Fit for Seniors

<p><p>Keep active, stay fit, strengthen muscles and build strong bones with this fun dance fitness class. Have fun with low impact moves that are gentle on the bones. You will be dancing, laughing

$160 Limited inc GST / $152
Dance Yourself Fit for Seniors

<p><p>Keep active, stay fit, strengthen muscles and build strong bones with this fun dance fitness class. Have fun with low impact moves that are gentle on the bones. You will be dancing, laughing


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If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Essay Writing Tutoring for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10

Essay Writing Skill Programs are devised to cater for the educational needs of students who wish to understand the fundamentals of essay writing. Professional qualified and experienced teachers help your child realise their full potential through formal instruction in small class

$351 Limited GST free
Essay Writing Tutoring for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10

<p>Essay Writing Skill Programs are devised to cater for the educational needs of students who wish to understand the fundamentals of essay writing. Professional qualified and experienced teachers


Maths Tutoring - Year 1

This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Early Stage 1 Mathematical concepts.This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, patterns and

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 1

<p>This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Early Stage 1 Mathematical concepts.This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition


Maths Tutoring - Year 2

This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Stage 1 Mathematical concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, patterns and

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 2

<p>This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Stage 1 Mathematical concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and

Please note:  No class 10 June
$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 2

<p>This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Stage 1 Mathematical concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and


Maths Tutoring - Year 3

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 2 Math. The students Math coaching is individualised to cater for the educational needs of the students who wish to understand the key concepts in Math or

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 3

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 2 Math. The students<br />

Math coaching is individualised to cater for

Please note:  No class 10 June
$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 3

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 2 Math. The students<br />

Math coaching is individualised to cater for


Maths Tutoring - Year 4

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 2 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division,

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 4

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 2 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working

Please note:  No class 10 June
$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 4

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 2 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working


Maths Tutoring - Year 5

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 3 Maths concepts.This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 5

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 3 Maths concepts.This program integrates the components of working

Please note:  No class 10 June
$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 5

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 3 Maths concepts.This program integrates the components of working


Maths Tutoring - Year 6

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 3 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division,

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 6

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 3 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working

Please note:  No class 10 June
$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 6

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 3 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working


Preparation for Selective High

This course prepares students wishing to sit for Selective High and scholarship examinations who are looking for a challenging and stimulating approach to learning. This course builds on the skills and key concepts needed to prepare the student for optimum success. Weekly testing

$468 Limited GST free
Preparation for Selective High

<p>This course prepares students wishing to sit for Selective High and scholarship examinations who are looking for a challenging and stimulating approach to learning. This course builds on the skills

$468 Limited GST free
Preparation for Selective High

<p>This course prepares students wishing to sit for Selective High and scholarship examinations who are looking for a challenging and stimulating approach to learning. This course builds on the skills

$468 Limited GST free
Preparation for Selective High

<p>This course prepares students wishing to sit for Selective High and scholarship examinations who are looking for a challenging and stimulating approach to learning. This course builds on the skills

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