Photography Courses - St George & Sutherland Community College
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Photography Courses

Photography Courses

Create lasting memories to share with family and friends at one of the many varying SGSCC photography classes. Taught by professionals in their fields, and with a hands on approach for all students, our classes teach you how to get the best out of your camera and are tailored to suit each students equipment, knowledge and skill level.

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Photography for Beginners - Intensive

Learn how to take great photos and join us at SGSCC for this photography course for beginners! Learn how to get the most out of your camera in this beginner’s class by using its auto settings. This is an intensive course delivered over 1 full day focusing on Digital Single Lens

$191 Limited inc GST / $181.50
Photography for Beginners - Intensive

<p><p>Learn how to take great photos and join us at SGSCC for this photography course for beginners! Learn how to get the most out of your camera in this beginner’s class by using its auto settings.

$191 Limited inc GST / $181.50
Photography for Beginners - Intensive

<p><p>Learn how to take great photos and join us at SGSCC for this photography course for beginners! Learn how to get the most out of your camera in this beginner’s class by using its auto settings.


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Introduction to Photography

This comprehensive Introduction to Photography Course, is suitable for all levels of Photography, whether you are a Beginner or an Intermediate student, whether you want to restart your journey in photography, or just to brush up on your skillset. Learn the fundamentals and the

$238 Limited inc GST / $226.10
Introduction to Photography

<p><p>This comprehensive Introduction to Photography Course, is suitable for all levels of Photography, whether you are a Beginner or an Intermediate student, whether you want to restart your journey


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Pop Up Camera Workshop North Cronulla

One Day Only In this unique and comprehensive camera and Photography workshop, set amongst the beautiful Pacific Ocean, along Cronulla’s famous Esplanade, along North Cronulla Beach, you will get to know and how to adjust your Digital camera properly, this includes any Digital

$118 Limited inc GST
Pop Up Camera Workshop North Cronulla

One Day Only<br/><p>In this unique and comprehensive camera and Photography workshop, set amongst the beautiful Pacific Ocean, along Cronulla’s famous Esplanade, along North Cronulla Beach, you will


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Smartphone Photography Class - Cronulla

You probably use your phone to take pictures all the time. But have you ever wondered how to really get the most out of your phone’s camera? Learning how to utilise the camera on your phone can be so helpful! Whether you’re looking to capture those special moments with your loved

$101 Limited inc GST / $96
Smartphone Photography Class - Cronulla

<p><p>You probably use your phone to take pictures all the time. But have you ever wondered how to really get the most out of your phone’s camera? Learning how to utilise the camera on your phone can

$101 Limited inc GST / $96
Smartphone Photography Class - Cronulla

<p><p>You probably use your phone to take pictures all the time. But have you ever wondered how to really get the most out of your phone’s camera? Learning how to utilise the camera on your phone can


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Photography for Beginners - New!

Go beyond ‘Point and Shoot’ to capture photographs that are memorable and pleasing. Use your digital SLR or advanced digital camera out of the Auto setting to cultivate an awareness of the photographs you take. The sessions will help you capture the image in your mind rather than

$195 Limited inc GST / $185.30
Photography for Beginners - New!

<p><p>Go beyond ‘Point and Shoot’ to capture photographs that are memorable and pleasing. Use your digital SLR or advanced digital camera out of the Auto setting to cultivate an awareness of the


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Creative Photography Techniques - North Cronulla

This unique and comprehensive course is now set amongst the beautiful Pacific Ocean, along the famous Esplanade at North Cronulla, and Cronulla. This course is tailored to learn both Creative Photography and Photography Techniques, to truly create dramatic photographs, and to

$332 Limited inc GST / $315.40
Creative Photography Techniques - North Cronulla

<p><p>This unique and comprehensive course is now set amongst the beautiful Pacific Ocean, along the famous Esplanade at North Cronulla, and Cronulla. This course is tailored to learn both Creative


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Close-Up & Macro Photography - Intensive Workshop

Explore the amazing world of close-up and macro photography. Learn the techniques and equipment (optical, lighting and support) needed to achieve sharply focused, well-exposed photographs of flowers, insects, water drops, miniatures, coins, jewellery and much more. This intensive

$191 Limited inc GST / $181.50
Close-Up & Macro Photography - Intensive Workshop

<p><p>Explore the amazing world of close-up and macro photography. Learn the techniques and equipment (optical, lighting and support) needed to achieve sharply focused, well-exposed photographs of


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Digital Black and White Photography - Intensive Workshop

In this intensive hands-on workshop, we first look at the basics of black-and-white photography, including high key and low key lighting, contrast, colour and texture, and see how past masters achieved their memorable images. Then we go on location to shoot a series of photos

$191 Limited inc GST / $181.50
Digital Black and White Photography - Intensive Workshop

<p><p>In this intensive hands-on workshop, we first look at the basics of black-and-white photography, including high key and low key lighting, contrast, colour and texture, and see how past masters


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Organise Your Photos with Apple Photos

Understand where your photos are now, highlight the different ways photos are entering your life and identify personal goals of how you want to consume your photos. Discover the built-in functions of the Photos App on your Mac and unleash its capacity to help you organise your

$65 Limited inc GST / $61.80
Organise Your Photos with Apple Photos

<p><p>Understand where your photos are now, highlight the different ways photos are entering your life and identify personal goals of how you want to consume your photos. Discover the built-in


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Photography - Getting to Know Your Camera - Pop Up Workshop Oatley

In this unique and comprehensive camera and Photography workshop, you will get to know and how to adjust your Digital camera properly, this includes any Digital camera, whether it is; A Digital compact camera / Advanced compact camera / Bridge camera / Superzoom camera or a


This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

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