St George & Sutherland Community College
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Focused on providing quality Vocational Training, disAbility Services, Tutoring, Leisure and English Classes in the Sutherland Shire and St George Region

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Maths Tutoring - Year 4

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 2 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division,

$260 $78 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 4

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 2 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working

$234 $94 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 4

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 2 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working


Maths Tutoring - Year 5

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 3 Maths concepts.This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and

$260 $78 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 5

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 3 Maths concepts.This program integrates the components of working

$234 $94 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 5

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Early Stage 3 Maths concepts.This program integrates the components of working


Maths Tutoring - Year 6

This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 3 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division,

$260 $78 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 6

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 3 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working

$234 $94 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 6

<p>This practical course will teach the student effective strategies and develop their conceptual understanding of Stage 3 Maths concepts. This program integrates the components of working


Essay Writing Tutoring for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10

Essay Writing Skill Programs are devised to cater for the educational needs of students who wish to understand the fundamentals of essay writing. Professional qualified and experienced teachers help your child realise their full potential through formal instruction in small class

$351 $140 Limited GST free
Essay Writing Tutoring for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10

<p>Essay Writing Skill Programs are devised to cater for the educational needs of students who wish to understand the fundamentals of essay writing. Professional qualified and experienced teachers

Please note:  No class 10 June

Maths Tutoring - Year 1

This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Early Stage 1 Mathematical concepts.This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, patterns and

$234 Limited GST free
Maths Tutoring - Year 1

<p>This practical course is designed to teach the student to master Early Stage 1 Mathematical concepts.This program integrates the components of working mathematically through whole number, addition


English Tutoring - Year 1

English coaching is individualised to cater for the educational needs of the students who wish to understand the fundamentals of oral and written communication. Professional qualified and experienced teachers help your child realise their full potential through formal instruction

$234 Limited inc GST
English Tutoring - Year 1

<p>English coaching is individualised to cater for the educational needs of the students who wish to understand the fundamentals of oral and written communication. Professional qualified and


STEP - Day Trippers

Let the adventure begin. Join day-trippers on their wondrous exploration of our beautiful city and beyond. Put your walking shoes on, a fair level of fitness will be required. Educational Outcomes: You will learn to navigate our local and wider community, exploring sites and

$1,500 Limited GST free
STEP - Day Trippers

<p>Let the adventure begin. Join day-trippers on their wondrous exploration of our beautiful city and beyond. Put your walking shoes on, a fair level of fitness will be required.</p></p><h4 id="

$1,500 Limited GST free
STEP - Day Trippers

<p>Let the adventure begin. Join day-trippers on their wondrous exploration of our beautiful city and beyond. Put your walking shoes on, a fair level of fitness will be required.</p></p><h4 id="

$1,500 Limited GST free
STEP - Day Trippers

<p>Let the adventure begin. Join day-trippers on their wondrous exploration of our beautiful city and beyond. Put your walking shoes on, a fair level of fitness will be required.</p></p><h4 id="


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

STEP - Cooking

Learn to cook healthy meals, with guidance, the participants will discuss and decide on the recipe selection for the term. The main focus is to learn to prepare deliciously healthy meals including main meals, lunches, and snacks. You will chop, grate, mix and mash, working in a

$600 Limited GST free
STEP - Cooking

<p>Learn to cook healthy meals, with guidance, the participants will discuss and decide on the recipe selection for the term. The main focus is to learn to prepare deliciously healthy meals including

$600 Limited GST free
STEP - Cooking

<p>Learn to cook healthy meals, with guidance, the participants will discuss and decide on the recipe selection for the term. The main focus is to learn to prepare deliciously healthy meals including

$600 Limited GST free
STEP - Cooking

<p>Learn to cook healthy meals, with guidance, the participants will discuss and decide on the recipe selection for the term. The main focus is to learn to prepare deliciously healthy meals including


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If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

STEP - Create and Sip

This class is a unique and enjoyable way to relax with a hot drink, socialise, and tap into your creative side. If you love creating, or are just looking for a new and fun way to spend some time, our ‘Create and Sip’ class is definitely worth trying. You don’t need any prior

$600 Limited GST free
STEP - Create and Sip

<p>This class is a unique and enjoyable way to relax with a hot drink, socialise, and tap into your creative side. If you love creating, or are just looking for a new and fun way to spend some time,


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

STEP - Creative Journalling

Keep a visual record of your day, your week, exciting events and other things happening in your life. You can use it to plan your day and then reflect on your experiences. You can use it for setting goals, you can use it to record your dreams, feelings and observations.

$600 Limited GST free
STEP - Creative Journalling

<p>Keep a visual record of your day, your week, exciting events and other things happening in your life. You can use it to plan your day and then reflect on your experiences. You can use it for


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

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